Where Do You Place Your Attachment?

Have you ever worked really hard towards something and not gotten it? Let me rephrase that. Have you ever worked really hard and gotten something out of it, but it wasn't what you expected?

95-99% of the time, I've found myself experiencing the latter. 

It's rare that a +b = c. Rather, a + b = xyz. It's happened to me so many times that I've realized a valuable truth: hard work always gives a result.

Not the result (i.e. the one I envisioned in my head), rather a result. 

The challenge is that I often don't notice because it doesn't appear in the form I envisioned. I'm so fixated on that particular form, that I can easily become blind to what has appeared.

The key is in realizing we have a choice as to where we can place our attachment - in the process, the results or both.  When we place our attachment in the results or in both, it can lead to frustration and sometimes, even hopelessness. That's because we're placing emphasis on the outcome which is out of our control.

Instead, if we become attached to and invested in the journey, in the process, and open to seeing what comes with curiosity, it's amazing what happens. Immediately our myopic and limited views of success expands. The perspective to see possibilities and potential, where we would have otherwise seen failure, becomes easily accessible. 

Try it out for yourself. The first step you can take is to see where in your life you are more attached to the results, rather than the process.


Context and Communication


Contemplations on Gratitude